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We are always excited to welcome new visitors!


Every Sunday, Worship Service starts at 10am, and, directly afterwards, we meet in the Church Parlor for some refreshments and fellowship, otherwise known as "Fellowship Time."  We also have an Adult Bible Study class that meets at 11:30am in the Sanctuary, and children's Sunday School classes start at 11:00am.  During the 10am Worship Service, the children will have the opportunity to be dismissed to attend their own children's Worship Service under the supervision of our Christian Education team. 

When you walk in, you'll be welcomed with a smile by one of our Deacons, who are also responsible for being ushers during the service. The ushers can help you find the restrooms, fellowship area, or answer any questions you might have about the service itself.  Don't forget to take a bulletin! 

If you are visiting us for the first time, we'd love to keep in touch! Feel free to fill out one of the blue visitors cards that you'll find in the pew. Give it to an usher, or place it in the offering plate. If there's not a visitor card near you, feel free to ask an usher for a card.  You can also fill out our form below! 

Visitor Information Card

Thanks for visiting us!

© 2023 First Presbyterian Church of Wilkes-Barre

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