Don't Miss the Blessings and Fellowship!
WORSHIP SUNDAYS @ 10:00 a.m.


Fellowship Time
Please join us in the Church Parlor each Sunday, following the worship service, for refreshments and fellowship.
We offer opportunities for volunteering both within the church and beyond as seen throughout our website, including opportunities for mission work trips throughout the year. Some of the mission work includes: feeding the homeless, delivering food to the elderly, and Habitat for Humanity.
On the second Saturday of each month, we meet at the church at 8:45am to deliver food, provided by CEO, to those experiencing food insecurity. Please see the church calendar for updates or more details, or contact for more information.

Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian women have a rich and mission-oriented ministry, within and beyond the walls of our church.
Among them are:
Fellowship and Friendship Circle Bible study
Christmas fellowship for FPC congregation
Christmas and Easter treat bags for Meals on Wheels
Mission work of the Presbyterian Church, USA, and other charities
Church World Service Blanket Program
Yearly church beautification projects
Ladies Night Out, a monthly dinner get together
You are cordially invited to join our Presbyterian Women’s Circle or to join us in any of our gatherings. For more information, please call the church office at 570-824-2478.
Youth Group
We will be planning future activities for our church youth so stay tuned and check back often for updates!

Church Lunches
We enjoy numerous Luncheons throughout the year, enjoying fellowship and building community.